Monday 18 June 2018

Finding the perfect workplace

As a contractor, I have less criteria for perfect workplaces. Recently I only check few things like

  • Flexible working hours
  • Dress code
  • Development hardware and software
  • Money (obviously)
  • Projects and nature of business
Sometimes I got job offers for permanent roles. I'm definitely more picky when it comes to permanent. I had few bad experiences and each one added up an item or two to my criteria list. 

  • Opening for new technologies
  • Training opportunities
  • Infrasturcture
  • Level of contribution to work 
  • Colleagues
  • Trust 
  • In-company peace
I know, some of them cannot be measured before you start but if 2-3 of them fails I start feeling uncomfortable and adding one more gives me a signal to leave. 

Friday 23 March 2018

Starting a new project

Hi there,

I'm going to start a new project and I'll try to write a full diar

Friday 28 March 2014

SQL SERVER – FIX : ERROR : Cannot open database requested by the login. The login failed. Login failed for user

This error is quite common and I have received it few times while I was working on a recent consultation project.
Cannot open database requested by the login. The login failed.
Login failed for user ‘NT AUTHORITY\NETWORK SERVICE’.
This error occurs when you have configured your application with IIS, and IIS goes to SQL Server and tries to login with credentials that do not have proper permissions. This error can also occur when replication or mirroring is set up.
If you search online, there are many different solutions provided to solve this error, and many of these solutions work fine. However, I will be going over a solution that works always and is very simple.
Go to SQL Server >> Security >> Logins and right click on NT AUTHORITY\NETWORK SERVICE and select Properties
In newly opened screen of Login Properties, go to the “User Mapping” tab. Then, on the “User Mapping” tab, select the desired database – especially the database for which this error message is displayed. On the lower screen, check the role db_owner. Click OK.
In almost all such cases, this should fix your problem

SQL SERVER – Fix: Error: 15138 – The database principal owns a schema in the database, and cannot be dropped

Last day I had excellent fun asking puzzle on SQL Server Login SQL SERVER – Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays – Database Properties – Number of Users. One of the user sent me email asking urgent question about how to resolve following error. Reader was trying to remove the login from database but every single time he was getting error and was not able to remove the user.
The database principal owns a schema in the database, and cannot be dropped. (Microsoft SQL Server, Error: 15138)
As per him it was very urgent and he was not able to solve the same. I totally understand his situation and here is the quick workaround to the issue. The reason for error is quite clear from the error message as there were schema associated with the user and that needs to be transferred to another user.
Workaround / Resolution / Fix:
Let us assume that user was trying to delete user which is named as ‘pinaladmin’ and it exists in the database ‘AdventureWorks’.
Now run following script with the context of the database where user belongs.
USE AdventureWorks;SELECT s.nameFROM sys.schemas sWHERE s.principal_id USER_ID('pinaladmin');
In my query I get following two schema as a result.
Now let us run following query where I will take my schema and and alter authorization on schema. In our case we have two schema so we will execute it two times.
ALTER AUTHORIZATION ON SCHEMA::db_denydatareader TO dbo;ALTER AUTHORIZATION ON SCHEMA::db_denydatawriter TO dbo;
Now if you drop the database owner it will not throw any error.
Here is generic script for resolving the error:
SELECT s.nameFROM sys.schemas sWHERE s.principal_id USER_ID('YourUserID');
Now replace the result name in following script:

Thursday 9 January 2014

preventing double click

I put this somewhere in between body tags in an ASP.NET page and works

<script type="text/javascript">
 function BeginRequestHandler(sender, args) { var oControl = args.get_postBackElement(); oControl.disabled = true; }

Monday 7 October 2013

Method Dispatch in Ruby (include, extend, super and prepend)


Include  is for adding methods to an instance of a class


Extend is for adding class methods. (like self. )

module Foo
  def foo
    puts 'heyyyyoooo!'

class Bar
  include Foo
end # heyyyyoooo! # NoMethodError: undefined method ‘foo’ for Bar:Class

class Baz
  extend Foo
end # heyyyyoooo! # NoMethodError: undefined method ‘foo’ for #<Baz:0x1e708>
As you can see, include makes the foo method available to an instance of a class and extend makes the foo method available to the class itself.

References :

Monday 2 September 2013

AJAX problem  

Just in case of page removal here is the page content 

Gotcha: Don't use <xhtmlConformance mode="Legacy"/> with ASP.NET AJAX

Recently I've helped a few developers who have been having some weird JavaScript issues (both when using ASP.NET AJAX and with some other custom JavaScript routines they were using).  The culprit was that they had automatically migrated a VS 2003 Web Project to VS 2005, and still had the <xhtmlConformance mode="Legacy"/> switch configured within their web.config file. 
If you are writing custom client-side JavaScript in your web application and/or are going to be using AJAX, please read-on to learn how to avoid a common gotcha (note: for a list of other tips, tricks, recipes and gotchas I've previously posted, please check out this page here).
You see strange behavior when adding new client-side JavaScript to a project that was previously upgraded (successfully) from VS 2003 to VS 2005.  When using ASP.NET AJAX UpdatePanel controls, this strange behavior can sometimes include cases where the page does a full-page postback instead of just incrementally updating pieces of a page. 
When you open up your web.config file, you also see a <xhtmlConformance/> element within it like so:

<xhtmlConformance mode="Legacy" />
ASP.NET 1.0 and 1.1 didn't emit XHTML compliant markup from many of its server controls.  ASP.NET 2.0 changed this and by default emits XHTML compliant markup from all controls (note: you can learn more about ASP.NET 2.0's standards compliance from this excellent MSDN article).
One of the things we noticed in the early ASP.NET 2.0 betas, though, was that when upgrading customer applications a lot of the applications had assumptions that the page output was not XHTML compliant.  By changing our default output of the server controls to be XHTML, it sometimes modified the visual rendering of a page.  For backwards compatibility purposes we added the <xhtmlConformance> switch above that allows developers to render controls in "Legacy" mode (non-XHTML markup the same as ASP.NET 1.1) as well as Transitional mode (XHTML Transitional) as well as Strict mode (XHTML Strict). 
By default when you use the VS 2003->VS 2005 Web Project Migration wizard (for both web sites and web application projects), your web.config file will have the legacy switch added.
Unless you know of known issues that your site has when running in XHTML mode (and which you don't have time yet to fix), I'd always recommend removing the <xhtmlConformance> section from your web.config file (or you can explicitly set it to "Transitional" or "Strict"). 
This will make your HTML output standards compliant.  Among other things, this will cause the HTML from your server controls to be "well formed" - meaning open and close tag elements always match.  This is particularly important when you are using AJAX techniques to dynamically replace the contents of certain HTML elements on your page (otherwise the client-side JavaScript sometimes gets confused about container elements and can lead to errors).  It will also ensure that ASP.NET AJAX works fine with your site.
Hope this helps,

Friday 30 August 2013

Validation of viewstate MAC failed problem

in Web Config 
<machineKey decryptionKey="A4B12CCDD50E95F8GB9GFH6JKAT4Y0U0I2OF2DF2AAFE5AB46189C,IsolateApps" validation="AES" validationKey="480CDF2AS9S9AS5CFDGF0GHFH9JJH4KHKAKLJ2L9F3SAS82A6C16911A29EF48903783F94529C21570AACB72766FB38CD4CE7B85B0ACE3149DC5FC1CCF1AA1CECE3579659996593B06,IsolateApps"/>
Or in aspx page 
<%@ Page Title="" Language="vb" AutoEventWireup="false" MasterPageFile="~/Admin/Site1.Master"  EnableViewStateMac="false" CodeBehind="MenuStructure.aspx.vb" Inherits="LogicTextile.MenuStructure" %>

Wednesday 28 August 2013

Space between RadioButtonGroup in ASP.NET

in code behind :

            rbMode.Items(0).Attributes.CssStyle.Add("margin-right", "15px")
            rbMode.Items(1).Attributes.CssStyle.Add("margin-right", "15px")

Tuesday 6 August 2013

SQL SERVER – Query to Find ByteSize of All the Tables in Database

ELSE ISNULL('unknown'END AS Table_name,
SUM(sys.lengthAS Byte_LengthFROM sysobjects sobsyscolumns sysWHERE sob.xtype='u' AND BY sob.nameWITH CUBE